Holiday DIY Planters
These Christmas or Fall planters sell for $30-$50 anywhere around here, so it’s time for Holiday DIY Planters. They are beautiful, but certainly not worth the money for a bunch of branches, foam, and a couple of bows.
We set a $12 budget this year on our holiday planters to try and one up the professional ones.
Heres what we came up with.

Our $12 budget went toward buying branches. If we were going with a live Christmas tree, or had a nice evergreen forest nearby I would have dropped the budget to zero, but we did want to prove that with a bit of work and $12 you too can build these professional looking Holiday Planters.
Everything in the gallery below we salvaged from past holiday projects, old decorations that had seen better days, and previous arrangements we’ve purchased or were given, over the years. We also have a TON of old planters to choose from for our Holiday Floral Arrangement. We chose these orangy-red ones mainly for the size, but the colour works great too 🙂
Our $12 budget was spent on bundles of White Pine and Cedar branches. Both are very common in Ontario Canada.
Links and Images courtesy of
Next step is the assembly. To keep everything in place we used some floral foam wrapped in chicken wire. This gives the branches something to stick into, and the chicken wire provides support so the branches don’t lean too much or fall out.
There you have it, gorgeous holiday planters for $12. We love them, and I bet you could make them bigger and better for even less 🙂
Hope you liked this quick project, check out our other decor posts here.